Friday, September 21, 2018


APPSC Group – 1 Exam Pattern Details

Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC)’s Group I exam pattern details given below…
APPSC Group – 1 Exam is Conducted in 3 Stages:
1) Preliminary Examination (Objective paper)
2) Main’s Examination (Conventional Type)
3) Interview/OralTest
1) Preliminary Examination: The preliminary exam is a screening test which is conducted to shortlist the candidates for the next stage of examination. The exam consists of one objective type paper. Minimum qualifying marks will be given for reservation candidates as per the rules.
Preliminary Examination Subjects, Maximum marks, Time duration details given below:
SubjectNo.of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime Duration
General Studies & Mental Ability
(Objective Type)
1501502½  Hours
2) Main Examination: Candidate’s who qualified in preliminary examination will go to second stage i.e Main examination which contains five papers in conventional type & is of  degree standard syllabus . The General English paper is of qualifying one and its marks are not counted for final ranking. All the question papers except General English may be answered either in English or Telugu or Urdu chosen by the candidate. Minimum qualifying marks will be given for reservation candidates as per the rules.
Main Examination Subjects, Maximum marks, Time duration details given below:
 SubjectMaximum MarksTime Duration
 General English (Conventional Type)1503 Hours Time Duration for all conventional type Papers
Paper -  IGeneral Essay150

 Paper -II
i. History & Cultural heritage of India with emphasis on 20th century history of India.
ii. Social history of Andhra Pradesh i.e., the history of various social and cultural movements in Andhra Pradeshiii. General overview of the Indian Constitution
Paper -IIIi) Planning in India & Indian Economy
ii) Land Reforms and social changes in Andhra Pradesh after independenceiii) Andhra Pradesh’s Economy,present status
Paper -IVThe role and impact of Science &Technology in the development of India with emphasis on the applied aspects
ii) General awareness with the modern trends in life sciences.iii) Development and environmental problems
Paper – Vi) Data appreciation and interpretation
ii) The candidates will be asked to draw their own conclusion from the data presented in the tabular form in graphical or otherwiseiii) Problem solving – duly structured situation will be presented to the candidates and they will be asked to suggest their own solutions to the problem arising out of situation. Alternatively, they may be called upon to prove the understanding of the situation by answering certain searching questions based on thesituation
3) Interview/Oral Test: Candidate’s who appeared and found eligible in Main exam will be called for Interview which carries 75 marks. In this Interview, the board will test the candidate’s attitude and decision making skills.
1. There will be a Screening Test (Objective type) comprising General Studies and Mental Ability. This test is meant for short-listing the number of candidates to be admitted to the Written (Conventional Type) Examination i.e., consisting of six compulsory papers. The number of candidates to be admitted to the Written examination (conventional type) would be 50 times to the vacancies available at material time.
2. The papers except General English may be answered in English or Telugu or Urdu chosen by the candidates. However, a candidate is not permitted to write part of the paper in English and part of it in Telugu or Urdu.
3. Candidates must appear for all the papers in Main examination and Oral test, who qualified for the same. Absent in any of the above will be liable for disqualification.
4. The General English paper is for qualifying one and the standard of this paper is that of S.S.C. The minimum qualifying marks in this paper are 40% for O.Cs., 35% for B.Cs. and 30% for SC/ST/PH. These marks are not counted for Ranking.
5. In the event of the S.C. and S.T. candidates not coming up for selection with the existing minimum prescribed for the selection in the competitive examination conducted by the Commission, their selection shall be considered on the basis of Rank with reference to their performance in the Written and Oral competitive examination.

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